Taransay lies just off the Isle of Harris and is perhaps best known as the place the BBC series Castaway was filmed.

After a night in a luxury lodge on Harris with other hunters and international journalists where the group enjoyed a delicious meal, the group were kitted out with clothing, binoculars, knives and rifles and they took a landing craft to Taransay.

Once on the island, Tweed Media’s Simon Barr, who had organised the trip, gatehred us around him: “I’ve got a confession to make. We’re not going back to the lodge for three days. Here’s a flint and steel, and a bivy bag, and you’ve got your rifles. And one of your camera men, Conrad Allen, is in fact a survival expert. He’s in charge from now, along with Steve Woodhall, the stalker on Taransay. If you want to eat it’s up to you to shoot something.”

There was a stunned silence…

Find out what happened next in the video above. You can read the full feature in the January issue of Sporting Gun page 6, on sale now.

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