Dr Malcolm Plant, chairman of the Institute of Clay Shooting Instructors, gives a masterclass in target practice

There are four basic building blocks for shotgun competence in clay and gameshooting.

  • Stance and balance.
  • Gun-mount and the avoidance of head lifting.
  • Gun-swing and an understanding 
of the gun and target movement.
  • Lead or forward allowance.

Target practice

The best place to rehearse and train these competencies is on the clayground and you don’t necessarily need sporting targets to do it – everything can be practised on the skeet and trap layouts 
at your local club. This can be particularly improved if you have a good coach to advise you!

  1. 1. Target practice
  2. 2. Down-the-line
  3. 3. Footwork
  4. 4.
  5. 5. Targets in clayshooting
  6. 6.
  7. 7. Skeet range
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