Alasdair Mitchell

Shot pheasants

I once invited the late Willy Poole, that great countryman and writer, for a day’s pheasant shooting. He declined. He claimed his eyesight was no longer what it was, with…

shotgun cartridges

Spending money on ammunition An American ammunition maker used to deploy a slogan that referred to bullets as “the most important, least expensive” part of your hunting equipment. This has…

BASC Young Shots day

A BASC Young Shots day The partridges came whirring over at all heights and from several directions, looking like a swarm of bees against the blue sky. There were so…

I heard the first pink-footed geese of the new season a few nights ago, bang on schedule. It is remarkable how regular they are each year on their 600-mile journey…

vintage shooting times cover

Nostalgia ain’t what it used to be, as somebody once said. Yet it is sometimes pleasant to wallow in the past. Shooting Times was founded in 1882. It has been…

steel shot

A reader was intrigued by my brief mention of a massive US study comparing the performance of lead and steel shotgun ammunition on live mourning doves. He was surprised that…

Open access woodland

You know where you are with Auntie Beeb. She always marches to the same drumbeat: left, left, left. Take a Radio Four programme called Positive Thinking. A recent episode was…

grouse shooters in gaiters

I have been making hay — literally. To walk over a fragrant, newly cut hay meadow at dawn during a heatwave is a joy. We shooters face challenges, but let’s…

black mamba

Wanting to call in my labrador, I reached for my whistle and blew. The sound that emerged was ‘phut’. I blew harder. Same result. I removed the whistle from my…

I used to be a home-loader, but I am better now, thank you. Don’t get me wrong; I have every respect for those who espouse the fine craft of producing…

Cape Buffalo

The Americans have a phrase for ethical hunting: fair chase. This exudes all the right connotations, though defining fair chase hunting gets problematic as soon as you delve into the…