Alasdair Mitchell

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A friend of mine had difficulty when she applied for a store card, because she didn’t exist. Or at least, that’s what the credit rating agency seemed to think. She’s…

oak tree

You’d think rewilding would be pretty simple, wouldn’t you? Just leave some land alone for long enough and it will revert to scrub and woodland. In practice, self-sown saplings tend…


I recently felt the need to get a new riflescope. The definition of ‘need’ is, of course, subjective. But you know what I mean. In the midst of a cost-of-living…


For years, fishing enthusiasts claimed that fish don’t feel pain. This has since been shown to be an over-simplification. The fact that fish can feel some sort of pain doesn’t…

In the world of hunting apparel, the hood is everywhere, usurping the good old hat from its rightful position. I don’t mean to sound rabidly anti-hood; I cherish an ancient…


I treasure my annual invitation from my brother-in-law for a day’s driven pheasants at Hopetoun, an exceptional shoot a few miles west of Edinburgh. Last year, I managed to down…

Barbed wire fence

I hate fences. They are unsightly, inconvenient and potentially dangerous to man and beast alike. Unfortunately, they are also necessary for the management of livestock. In order to keep sheep…