I now see there’s someone advertising locally who gasses burrows; the thought of using gas doesn’t sit easy with me but if it’s an effective method then I might give it a try as a last resort.

What do you think?

Edward Cook
More often than not the people you give permission to only go ferreting as a hobby and whilst they may well catch rabbits on the Saturdays they come and visit, it’s not in their interest to clear out all the bunnies.

A full time rabbit controller, however, has to look at the matter somewhat differently.

I am certainly not knocking the efforts of anyone who goes ferreting for sport but if a rabbit problem gets out of hand, a very different approach has to be adopted if serious crop damage is to be avoided.

With this in mind it needs to be remembered that rabbit control seldom works if it isn’t carried out in a systematic manner, and using various methods to achieve the goal.

The three main methods we use are ferrets, lamps and drop boxes but if circumstances demand it we also resort to snares, traps, dogs and drop nets as well.

I can happily and confidently say that with all that to call on, my customers don’t get crop damage!

And that’s just as well: if the methods and our control plan didn’t work I would soon be out of business and unable to keep my staff in a job.

As for gassing, it’s expensive and not very effective.

We have proved time and time again that it’s a needless expense and the job can be done more effectively by traditional methods carried out in a systematic manner.

If you need help with rabbit control contact me via www.evergreenrabbitcontrol.co.uk