Ingredients for this Lee Maycock game cookery recipe, which serves 4

4 partridges
200g puff pastry
100g cooked diced smoked bacon
5g chopped flat leaf parsley
5g fresh thyme
50ml reduced game stock
4 blanched Savoy cabbage leaves
Cornish sea salt
Milled black pepper

Method for this Lee Maycock game cookery recipe

Remove the legs from the partridge, then season, cover, and roast them slowly for two hours in an oven at 120ºC (Gas Mark ½). Next, flake the cooked leg meat and add the parsley, bacon and stock.

Place onto the cabbage leaves and make four parcels. Wrap each parcel in pastry and cook for 20 minutes in a hot oven at 180ºC (Gas Mark 4).

Season and sear the body of the partridge, then cook with the thyme for five minutes at 180ºC (Gas Mark 4). Then set aside.

Remove the pithivier from the oven and allow to rest before serving.

More Lee Maycock game cookery recipes