Make sure you use proper risotto rice for this. It's easily obtained in supermarkets. Ordinary rice won't give the necessary 'creaminess' that risotto needs.


Here’s an easy dish – perfect for using partridge breasts from the freezer. It’s a good one to make when you’re in the kitchen chatting to friends, as risotto needs regular stirring. Serves two.


  • 2 partridge breasts
  • 1/2 litre vegetable stock
  • 1 cup risotto rice
  • 2 tbsp cream
  • 1/2 sweet potato chopped into cubes
  • handful baby spinach leaves
  • 3 sliced button mushrooms
  • 1 chopped spring onion
  • 1 tbsp frozen peas
  • 1 tbsp chopped hazelnuts
  • salt and pepper
  • Rapeseed/vegetable oil


  1. Wipe the breasts clean.
  2. Heat a large frying pan and add a tablespoon of the oil.
  3. Season the partridge breasts and put them in the hot oil for 4-5 minutes, turning once, until browned lightly. Put on a warm plate and set aside.
  4. In the same pan fry the risotto rice over a moderate heat to absorb the oil, give it a stir, and then slowly add the vegetable stock, stirring all the time so it simmers gently. This should be done over a low heat. Add extra tablespoons of water if it looks dry, you need to keep the rice moist. Don’t let the rice burn. When cooked and soft, transfer to a warm bowl.
  5.  In the same pan add more oil if needed and fry the mushrooms and chopped sweet potato for 3-5 minute.
  6. Add the spring onion, spinach, peas and hazelnuts. Cook over a moderate heat until heated through.
  7. Place the rice back in the frying pan. Stir and add the cream. Turn off the heat.
  8. Slice the partridge breasts and mix into the rice/vegetable mixture.
  9. Serve on warm plates.