Great British Shooting Award Winner 2021

Innovative product of the year – The Original Clone Gundog Dummy

The Original Clone Partridge Dummy is the result of many hours of research and development with the main goals outlined in the attempt to bring a new generation of gundog training dummy to the market. Dog & Field’s range of Original Clone training dummies bring a new life like realism to your training with the high definition photographic canvas print of real-life game birds feather patterns. Designed specifically with the dog and handler in mind, the advanced marking visibility and eye-catching realistic appeal of the dummy to help your train your dog with the convenience of dummies and the realism of the types of game birds your dog may be retrieving in the field.The Original Clone range of gundog dummies offers three sizes and game bird feather patterns including a Snipe, Partridge and Pheasant all in the traditional dummy shapes and sizes.