Great British Shooting Award Winner 2021


Gamekeeper of the year – Paul Childerley 

Paul Childerly is not only an award winning gamekeeper, sporting company founder and owner, Fieldsports Channel team member but also a five times world champion kickboxer and founder of Pro Style Kickboxing. Coming from a family background of gamekeeping, Paul was introduced to a wide variety of country field sports at an early age, but gameshooting and rifle hunting are Paul’s real passions, which he has turned into his career. 

Starting out as a gamekeeper, then moving into estate management, Paul has gained a wealth of experience and has finally built-up his own company,  Childerley Sporting, which offers game shooting at two separate estates. Paul’s company also manages over 20,000 acres of estates for wild deer where the stocks are managed in order to produce a healthy and balanced wild deer population. Childerley Sporting is rated number one in the world for Chinese water deer.