Thomas Lindy Nissen

Thomas Lindy Nissen

Thomas Lindy Nissen (born 1972).

For a couple of decades Thomas has worked as a travelling hunting journalist following big game hunters with adventure in their blood around the globe. His many reports have been made in all kind of wilderness and terrain. Mountains as well as on the sea, in rain forest as well as in desert.

Thomas has travelled to more than 40 different countries in Europe, Oceania, Asia, Africa, North- and South America with camera, bow, rifle and shotgun. When not affected by Covid restrictions he will be travelling for six months a year, hunting and shooting.

He worked as a hunting guide in Greenland for eight years and has published six books about hunting abroad – all in Danish.

Follow Thomas Lindy Nissen

My stomach flips again as I stare into the gorge that is racing past less than a metre from the car’s passenger window. Far below the narrow, twisting road, I…

The dirt track that winds up from the valley floor to the hut near the top of the mountain is eight kilometres long, climbs 800m in altitude and connects two…

The dream of shooting a gold-medal roebuck had already led Frank Olsen to Romania a couple of times. On the first occasion, he didn’t get a sniff at a deer…

The two helicopters take off almost simultaneously, leaving us in pristine mountain wilderness on the far side of the world. We’re a full day’s hike from civilisation in one of…

Chinese water deer

Britain now has more than 15% of the world’s Chinese water deer population, but it is an exotic species native to China, eastern Asia, North Korea and South Korea. It…