Sporting Gun

grouse moor

With around 75 per cent of the world’s heather moorland located in the UK, tied with the fact that heather moorland habitat is in a more critical condition than the rainforests, it is clear that conservation and…

working spaniel

The aim of a good picker-up is not just to come back to the gamecart laden with dead birds, but also to find those illusive runners and pricked birds. A good picker-up and their team…

Clayshooting spectators

Sean Ponting of Widdington Shoot has pretty much been there and got the T-shirt as far as Sporting and FITASC clayshooting goes. He has had 20 years of coaching experience, and has won competitions at county, regional and national…

venison burger

Ingredients 600g coarsely minced venison 1 red onion, finely chopped 1tsp chopped thyme Sea salt Ground black pepper 1 parsnip 2 carrots 1 celeriac 4 slices blue cheese 4 buns…

bird flu outbreak worries

Clay shooting is in full swing, so why is my mind already turning to the new game season in just a few weeks time? Good stead for game As we are based in…

Cleaning a gun

A shotgun is an investment that needs to be cared for to look beautiful, but also perform to its full potential. So where do you begin? Does it need to be cleaned after every outing…

Bob Braithwaite Olympic shooter

John Robert (Bob) Braithwaite, sadly lost to us in February 2015, was a legendary trap shooter who represented his country at two consecutive Olympics in the 1960s. A true sporting hero and one of shooting’s great…

field spaniel

One of the gundog problems we see commonly at Gamegoer is dogs that will not mark. There are several reasons this can occur, but it is due mainly to the way they have been…

love semi-autos

What do Marmite and semi-auto shotguns have in common? The similarity is that they both divide opinion! Some people love both, some won’t touch either. I think the Marmite division is truly just a matter of…

The Royal Berkshire Shooting School

If you haven’t heard of the Royal Berkshire Shooting School then you have probably been living on Mars. The school, founded in 1991, has become synonymous with excellent service, innovative…

clayshooting ground

 The first clay pigeon shoots started around 1885 as an affordable alternative to competitions using live pigeons as targets. Shooting schools – particularly those owned by London gunmakers – set…

men shooting

For all the good it could do you might as well hammer the barrels into the ground and use it as a fence post or sapling support. Yet cartridges are amazing…

Lamping with lurchers

A lurcher by definition is a crossbred creature, one created by a number of breeds with the intention to retain attributes from each ingredient of the mixture. Such cocktails have been…