Sporting Gun

I took up shooting 18 months ago and have only shot Sporting. I would like to have a go at English Skeet but the lads I knock around with aren't…

What constitutes a trained gun dog?

I say it should have been worked in the shooting field but a friend says it's fully trained when it retrieves dummies, responds to whistle commands and follows hand signals?

I have put a lot of weight on and it's noticeable that my Sporting scores have gone into gradual decline ever since. Why is this? I feel as fit as…

Can you recommend a suitable seat for using in a pigeon hide? I've just had an operation for haemorrhoids - caused, the doctor says - by sitting too often on…

I caught a feral ferret last Saturday and it's as wild as a hawk. Have I got any chance of domesticating it again? I've also been given a set of…

Our farmer has said we can use one of two woods on the histo build a release pen. This is good because we think the present pen is in the…

Champion shot, John Bidwell, answers a couple of your shooting questions.

How often, and at what times of the day do you feed your ferrets? One of my ferrets occasionally refuses to come out of a burrow and sometimes it can…

We are trying to improve our feed stations in kale cover crops. At the moment we have strawed areas around a single hopper. Is this enough?

Can you advise me on best practice for operating both Larsen traps and multi-catch crow cages. What I should do with them when not in use?