Shooting UK

silver Labrador

What exactly is the right colour? The Kennel Club’s breed standard states that “any shade of gold or cream” is acceptable for golden retrievers, while the American KC requires “rich,…

UK Mix cover crop

Q) Several of the woods on our shoot have little, or no, cover at ground level and are almost completely bare. I realise that groundcover is essential, but what plants…

We’re really sorry to be the bearer of bad news regarding the ShootingUK Forum. The Forum has for many years been a source of pride to the ShootingUK team –…

Game Fair ticket offers

To celebrate the 60th anniversary year of the Game Fair, we are offering our readers a special discount on advance tickets to The Game Fair. For it’s Diamond Anniversary The…

Checking right gun fit

I've bought a Beretta for clay shooting as a spare, but I'm not sure the gun fit is right as I don’t shoot as well with it as I do…

Starlings in flight

 Most of the collective nouns for birds date back to the mid 15th century. And here are some of our favourites: A wake of buzzards A confusion of chiffchaffs A…

Border terriers

A car sick dog is miserable and the condition can be caused by different factors. It may not be due to motion. For many puppies their first experience of travel…

Jobs in shooting

BEATKEEPER GLENLOCHY ESTATE – SCOTLAND A Beatkeeper is required for this impressive and improving Highland Grouse Moor. They will be joining a dedicated keepering team and will be responsible for…

Gun fit

Do you know this gun fit terminology? Cast Cast off: This is the degree to which the shotgun’s stock is offset from its centre point and to the right. The aim is…

man with gun in gunslip

What you need to consider when picking out a game gun Weight Gauge Style Action Budget Patrick Galbraith, Editor of the Shooting Times, comments when discussing shotguns for pheasant shooting:…

dry nose in dog

How to stop Kennel Cough! How to prevent Kennel Cough - Kennel Cough is one of the most common diseases affecting gundogs, but is reasonably easy to treat. Read our…

Curried roast grouse

Roast curried grouse with spiced lentil and coconut dahl, poppadum and cucumber chutney. To make the curry paste 200g galangal 200g fresh ginger peeled 100g turmeric root 300g banana shallots…

Woodburning stove

  Log burners and fires have enjoyed a huge renaissance, and it’s easy to see why. In the frost and snow of winter, nothing beats the traditional cosiness of a roaring log…

Easy-to-make recipe for a partridge pot roast

Now the partridge season is well underway there’s going to be some delicious young birds coming your way. Well hopefully. The partridge is smaller than the pheasant but has a…