Shooting UK

The GWCT’s portal to its woodcock tagging satelite project has now gone live. Woodcock Watch is a website that allows visitors to follow the progress of birds that have been…

Peter Wilson wins gold medal at Al Ain World Cup: On his first competitive shooting engagement since winning the Olympics last year, the London 2012 Olympic double trap gold medallist…

4x4 reviews: Jeep Compass: Richard Purdey finds this American 4x4 crossover to be a compact yet competent vehicle in the field.

RSPB takes down ‘anti gamekeeper’ children’s game: A recent children’s computer game on the RSPB’s website has angered fieldsports organisations. "Raptor Mountain" required the player to dodge shotguns, traps and…

The close observational skills of a hedgerow keeper could prove useful today

Vote to help find Scotland's favourite animal: Scottish Natural Heritage and Visit Scotland have launched the ‘Big 5’ campaign, which aims to find Scotland’s favourite animal, to celebrate the ‘Year…

4x4 reviews: Land Rover Freelander 2: Richard Purdey says this face-lifted mid-size SUV compares favourably with its pricier competitors.

ATA Arms SP Silver

Overall the ATA Arms SP Silver is not a bad gun, especially when one considers the price