Shooting Times

A few years ago I listened to a lecture by American biostatistician, Professor David Allison. In his talk he warned of the dangers of what he called “white-hat bias” and…

Roebuck bluebells

At the start of the 20th-century, roe were almost extinct in southern England. Since then, their numbers have soared thanks to an increase in woodland planting and strategic reintroduction. In…

pigeon carpaccio

This pigeon carpaccio recipe doesn't need cooking but requires at least 12 hours to marinate and needs to be frozen for an hour before serving

A consultation on the national strategy to protect bees and other pollinators has been launched

pheasant shooting

It's said that there's nothing new under the sun. That may be true to an extent, but game rearing disproves it.

This hunter's sandwich, containing pigeon, grouse and venison, is not a lunch to be taken lightly

Why local deer management works best

From tusks that didn't break records to those that smashed them, the CIC review of non-natives and other species threw up surprises, especially with the largest set of Chinese water…

Despite a late rut, the Scottish stalking season reveals good management throughout the regions

Despite a run of bitterly cold winters, Scotland's best 2013 trophies were head and shoulders above the rest of Europe