Shooting Times

Rabbit pie

Ingredients: For the pastry: 200ml water 170g lard 450g PLAIN flour 1tsp salt For the filling: A little oil 1 onion, sliced 3 cloves of garlic, crushed 500g pork mince…

disease from foxes

Q: We have foxes in our garden and one has a lot of bald, sore-looking patches, especially over its head. A friend suggested that the foxes have mange, which could…

Ratting terrier

I’ve been to a meet or two 
in my time: beagle packs on village greens; minkhounds 
on crumbling stone bridges that look as old as the river which winds beneath…

Pigeon shooting from hide

Where do you go wrong with woodies and what can you do to put things right? Build your hide right Over the years, I have come across countless people who…

Browning 725 Pro Sport Adjustable

An evolution rather than an all-new design, the 725 moves on from its 1970s development with tweaks and improvements bringing it right up to date. For more than 40 years,…

Elbow dysplasia in gundogs

Q: I have just retired my Labrador after he went lame with elbow dysplasia (ED). I want to get another dog and was planning on buying 
a puppy from a…

deerstalking male deer

A: The straightforward answer is that you do not require a formal qualification to go stalking. While many people who stalk have undertaken training and successfully completed the DSC at level 1 and level 2, there…

English and Welsh roe review 2016

There is often debate among the UK hunting fraternity about the status of introduced species and the application of the CIC formulae to them. This comes from the concern as…

the woodcock

As both a challenge of shooting skill and a delicacy for the table, the woodcock is regarded by many shooters as an elusive and highly prized trophy. It is certainly one of the most mysterious birds…

Plummer terriers

By their very name, terriers are dogs of the earth. In the past, before certain legislation was implemented, this varied and extremely valiant family of dogs did exactly that, going to…

stetson and cowboy boots

“I spent most of my childhood shooting geese with a Remington .45” announced the moustachioed Texan. I took another sip of my damson gin, which a jolly girl selling tweed…


One of the distinguishing features of nuthatches is that they can climb down trees — the only British bird that can do this. Woodpeckers and treecreepers work their way up the trunk, hunting for insects under…

the woodcock

Fascinated by the woodcock’s punctuality, Leri takes the time to observe and record the accuracy of these birds’ inner clocks

English and Welsh roe review 2016

One of the things that I enjoy about measuring trophies for the CIC is when a hunter, either because he’s just shot something bigger than normal or has been encouraged…

English and Welsh roe review 2016

Roebuck seasons come and go, remembered by stalkers for many reasons — a first buck, a trophy scored, an atypical animal, a new rifle or permission or, for very few, the…