David Tomlinson

spaying gundogs

To spay or not to spay? It’s a question that faces most of us who own or work bitches, and it’s one that I’ve changed my mind on in recent…

Q) Here in the US, our wild turkey population was virtually wiped out, but has now been successfully restored. Though the initial re-introductions were unsuccessful because gamefarm stock was released,…

Q) Several pairs of swifts breed under the eaves of our house every year. This year we rescued a young bird that was grounded, and then successfully launched it into…

Q) After two summers when I hardly saw a single small tortoiseshell butterfly, they are suddenly back in good numbers. What caused their disappearance, and their welcome return? R. COLLINS…

Q) I read recently that the osprey was reintroduced to Scotland in the 1950s, but I have always believed that it re-established itself. What are the facts? P. DONALD By…

Q) Is it unusual for woodpigeon to nest in barns? In recent years we have had an increasing problem with these birds trying to nest in our open cart lodge?…

(Q) The theft of Rufus, the Harris hawk at Wimbledon this year, was widely reported. However, shouldn’t the bird be known as a Harris’s hawk rather than a Harris hawk?…

Q) During some fine weather at the end of May, I was watching a starling in my garden. Its wings were spread and its tail was fanned out, and the…

I live in south-east London, where carrion crows have an easy life. For the past five or six years I've seen what I believe to be the same individual, recognisable…

Q) I can recall once seeing a photograph of a “phantam” — a cross between a bantam hen and a cock pheasant — on the letters page of Shooting Times.…

A day at a Purdey Gold Award-winning shoot

What happens when field triallingdogs become affected by disease?

Q) If lynx were introduced to the Scottish Highlands what would their likely prey be and would they kill sheep? D. BARKER By email

Q) During a skiing holiday in Finland last winter I saw a number of completely white grouse and I assumed they were ptarmigan. However, a Finnish friend told me that…